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giovedì 27 agosto 2015

Floyd Mayweather -- Fires Back At Ronda Rousey ... You're Not Forbes Material

0826_Ronda-Rousey_floyd_mayweather_tmzHere's a first ... Floyd Mayweather is using the Forbes list as diss fuel -- saying Ronda Rousey is still way too poor to be mentioned in the same breath as the boxing champ. 

Obviously, Floyd caught wind of Ronda's anti-Mayweather video Tuesday -- where she called him illiterate and bragged that she makes more money per second than he does. 

So, Floyd's doing what boxers do ... hitting back. 

In a statement issued through a TMT member, Mayweather tells TMZ Sports ... "Big bank take little bank. Let's play and see how much money you got."

He added, "Last time I checked I was #1 on Forbes. She will never be at my status. Keep trying to get publicity."

And you thought Meek Mill vs. Drake was bad ...

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